Head's Blog

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Week ending 11th November 2022 

Being Responsible Like a Raven
During the second half of this term we are working on refreshing our school values. These are shared by all of the schools in the Bridge Trust and are designed to guide children, not only in their learning, but also in their wider life.
In order to help children to remember and understand these values, the School Council have come up with a list of animals which demonstrate elements of the values.
The first of these is a Raven which has been chosen to represent 'responsibility'. A raven has been chosen due to it's links with being responsible for guarding the Crown Jewels at the Tower of London!
We have discussed ways of being responsible for others, environments, behaviour and learning.Children will be awarded certificates for showing how responsible they can be. It would also be great if parents could share with teachers (via SeeSaw) ways in which children also show responsibility at home. All of these will serve as brilliant examples for others. Look out in the coming weeks for the 5 remaining values.

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Week ending 20th October 2022 

I cannot believe how quickly this first half term has gone! Thank you so much to those of you who were able to join us today at the Delaware base- it was lovely to hear the children sing the Harvest songs so beautifully! Thank you for the foodbank donations - this will really help struggling families. I understand that times are extremely tough for everyone at the moment so your kindness is extremely appreciated. 
Yesterday we had an AGM for the Friends' groups from Delaware and Gunnislake. They have decided to form a joint group to raise funds for both bases. They have formed a new committee and will be contacting you in the very near future to let you know about fund-raising events. I understand that not everyone wants to be on a committee but the new Friend's committee would be appreciative of more volunteers to help with events- keep an eye out for future meetings as all help will be warmly welcomed.
Please find attached some more information about 'Picture News'. We are using this resource to promote discussion about current news stories that will have a relevant message to the children.As I mentioned in last week's Head's blog, I have attached the details of the latest news story so that you can discuss it with your children at home should you choose.
One of our Mum's is going to be supporting her Mum in distributing shoe boxes for the homeless in the area so that they can have some basic essentials and treats for Christmas. When we return after half term we will be accepting donations of deodorants, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hats, scarves, gloves, selection boxes and dog treats. The children will then box these into decorated shoe boxes to distribute. Any help with this will be much appreciated.
See the poster below for exciting information about an upcoming art exhibition on 1st December. This has been organised by our Art Subject Lead- Mrs Wright. Advance tickets will go on sale after half term.
 Another reminder that tomorrow (21st October) is an INSET day and both bases are closed to pupils.
I wish you all a happy and safe half term and look forward to seeing your amazing children when they return to school on Monday 31st October. A reminder that they can come to school on that day dressed in Halloween fancy dress (but no fake weapons please.)

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Week ending 14th October 2022 

Another busy week draws to a close. There have been several class trips this week (see your child's class pages for more details.) I am very pleased to report that all children from both bases behaved impeccably on all occasions- well done everyone!
This academic year we have a focus on learning multiplication facts quickly and accurately. Pupils will be assessed in their understanding and speed of these 'tables'. Year 4 have recently completed their assessments and those who were successful received a special times table key ring. Below you will see a photograph of our first award winner from Year 4 and also a document outlining how you can support your child at home with leaning their multiplication facts.
We are now an electronic reading diary school. If you haven't already, please download and log onto the 'Boom Reader ' APP so that you can comment on your child's reading at home. (See poster below to remind you of the details.)
A reminder that we will be celebrating 'Harvest Festival' at the Delaware base on Thursday 20th October at 2.00pm. All pupils at the Gunnislake base will also be attending. We are accepting donations of tinned and dried food for the Callington food bank. I know that times are getting tougher for everyone but if you can give a small donation of food , it would be most appreciated. Parents/Guardians are most welcome to attend the Harvest Festival and take their children home a little earlier when it is finished. Please arrive no earlier than 1.45pm and enter the school from the dining room slope when you will need to sign in. 
SAVE THE DATE- 1st DECEMBER- look out from further details of an upcoming, exciting art exhibition - planned for the beginning of December- please try to keep some time free during the day/evening so that you can come and enjoy this brilliant event.
This term we have begun to use a resource called 'Picture News' - it helps us to find out about current issues in the news. Each week there is a short newsletter which highlights a few stories which may be of interest to children of primary age. I will attach a copy of this to each Head's blog so that you can either show it to your child to read or you can read to or alongside your child. On some Mondays I will base an assembly on the current news story and I will also attach this to the Head's Blog so that you have the opportunity to discuss this further with your child/ren.
We are looking forward to successful and enjoyable discos later this afternoon!
Enjoy the weekend and please don't forget that next Friday (21st October) is an INSET day and the school will be closed to all pupils. 

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Week ending 7th October 2022 

As another busy week draws to a close I wanted to take the opportunity to introduce you to Lowenna. She is a beautiful golden retriever belonging to Mrs Marshall. For three days a week Lowenna visits the Gunnislake base and spends time with the Year 5 and 6 pupils. She enjoys being a calming influence in the classroom, being read to by the children and taken for walks during break times. Lowenna is a wonderful source of comfort to the children- if they are feeling anxious and sad they can talk to her or give her a cuddle. Take a look at the photographs to see how happy she makes the children. 

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Aspiration Day and Harvest Festival 

On Friday 30th September we held an 'Aspiration Day' in both bases. Pupils were invited to come to school dressed as what they hoped they would do or become in the future. It was so delightful to see a whole spectrum or career choices. Some of those which I noticed and remembered were; footballers, doctors, teachers, zoo keepers, scientists, singers, vets, paramedics, gymnasts, you tubers, farmers, jockeys, disc jockeys, astronauts, painters, mechanics, formula one drivers, professional gamers, coders and even princesses! The children had a really great day and they particularly enjoyed discussing each others costumes. I have included some work from the Year 4 class who wrote about their aspirations.
We will be celebrating 'Harvest Festival' at the Delaware base on Thursday 20th October at 2.00pm. All pupils at the Gunnislake base will also be there. From tomorrow we will be accepting donations of tinned and dried food for the Callington food bank. I know that times are getting tougher for everyone but if you can give a small donation of food , it would be most appreciated. Parents/Guardians are most welcome to attend the Harvest Festival and take their children home a little earlier when it is finished. Please arrive no earlier than 1.45pm and enter the school from the dining room slope when you will need to sign in. 

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Week ending 23rd September 2022 

After a couple of reflective weeks for the Nation, we continue to settle back into school life. We have spent some time this week remembering Queen Elizabeth and what she meant to our children and what they remember about her- there have been some memorable comments.
One of the new initiatives we have this term is our 'Playground Buddies' at the Delaware base. These fantastic pupils from the Year 4 class have volunteered to support the new Reception pupils during lunchtime and to ensure that they are happy in the playground. They also stay with them during wet playtimes (let's hope that we don't have too many of these!) They wear special Playground Buddy' bibs so that they are instantly recognisable! It's so great seeing them take these responsibilities so seriously. 
Current Playground Buddies are Bettsie, Saffron, Oli, Henry, Logan, Josh, Elsie and Allana. Thank you to Mrs Wright for organising this.
Another reminder that key term dates can be found in the events diary on the school website- this includes Inset days, parental consultations, school productions etc. Also, keep an eye on Facebook for reminders. The next 'dress up' event takes place next Friday (30th September)- 'Aspirations Day' where we will be encouraging pupils to come to school dressed as what they would like to do, job wise,  when they get older. I look forward to seeing what they aspire to.
The highest attendance this weeks goes to Year 5 - with an attendance of 97.3%. Well done- enjoy your extra playtim Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. 

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Welcome back! 

Welcome back to what promises to be another busy, exciting a fun-packed year of learning. I really hope that you have had a safe and enjoyable summer with your children. If one of your children has left us and started at secondary school then I hope that they are settling in and feeling happy!
It was lovely to see all of the children's smiling faces- they seemed happy to be back.
All clubs will commence next week so keep an eye out for a letter advertising them this week. A reminder that, unfortunately, due to rising costs, school meal prices are rising to £2.60. A  timely reminder that if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2, they are entitled to free school meals.There is no need to book these and you can order them on the day. Your child does not need to have meals every day- just when they would like them. 
Following our INSET day yesterday, we have tried to put important events in the school calendar for the entire year! Some could be subject to slight changes (e.g. sport's day.) Mrs Peters and Mrs Fraser will be loading them onto the school websites in due course.
Please keep an eye on your child's classroom SeeSaw page where we will post any messages/updates- you should have received some information on this.  e.g. when PE kits are needed.If you are unable to access your SeeSaw account then please contact your child's teacher. Please would you ensure that all PE kits are fit for purpose. Sensible sport's shoes, shorts, joggers and t-shirts- not crop tops please- thank you.
In order to preserve learning time we are asking that pupils come to school in PE kits on their allocated PE day- this saves lots of time!
We are currently making the transition to electronic reading records. In the meantime, please continue to hear your children read and home and, once you are connected to your child's class teacher via SeeSaw, you can make write comments to them on your child's reading there.
Here's to a brilliant first week back!


Week ending 8th July 2022 

The main event this week was Sport's Day. It was held on the field at the Delaware base and turned out to be a great family occasion with lots of fun races, just the right amount of sunshine and many smiling faces! Thank you to all the staff who worked hard on the day -helping to make it a success. Special thanks goes to Mr Clatworthy for organising the day and scoring! Congratulations to the Red team who were this year's winners. 
Running alongside Sport's Day (sorry about the pun) was the Year 6 Enterprise Fair. The concept of this was simple- each of the six groups were given £20 and had to come up with a product to market (for a good profit) at Sport's Day. They certainly achieved this as they almost tripled their initial investments and took £346 on the day. This money is being used to provide them with some well-deserved end of term treats! I hope that Lord Sugar is watching carefully! 

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GOOD news for Gunnislake 

Following the recent Ofsted inspection of Gunnislake Primary Academy on 18th and 19th May, I am delighted to finally be able to share the news with you that we were judged to be a GOOD school. 
The report recognises the efforts of all staff across both bases who strive so very hard to provide the best educational experience possible for the pupils registered at Gunnislake (and Delaware too!)
It was, by it's nature, a complex inspection as the inspectors were looking at the provision for those pupils enrolled at Gunnislake. This meant that they visited classrooms in both bases- there was not respite for the teachers at the Delaware base and their teaching and provision was also inspected.
Copies of the report will be sent via 'satchel post' to the parents/carers of pupils enrolled at Gunnislake. I will also post an electronic copy on the  Gunnislake school websites.
My favourites quotes from the report are that Gunnislake pupils are 'kind, respectful and focused' as these are our behaviour rules.  Also, Ofsted recognised that the 'curriculum is ambitious, and staff quickly identify when pupils make mistakes or need further help.'

I am very proud of all of the staff and pupils who showed the school in such a positive light. I hope that you enjoy reading the report which is short but very sweet!

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Week ending 24th June 2022 

Another week filled with lots of learning at both bases. The Year 4 class all completed their multiplication check to see how well they are progressing with their learning of multiplication facts. Year 5 and Year 6 had a very successful (and warm) visit to the Eden Project to support their learning on the environment. Temperatures were in the 30s in the Rainforest Biome but the feedback from the children was that it was a great experience! 
The Year 3 and Year 4 are learning about the Ancient Egyptians and are thoroughly enjoying this experience with lots of research being conducted in the pupils' spare time too. Delaware and Gunnislake also took part in the first annual Bridge School Games. The children participated in different competitions throughout the week - the results are currently being collated to find the Champions- fingers crossed! 
Another reminder that the Delaware and Gunnislake Sport's Day will be held on 8th July on the Delaware field. Year 6 will also be selling goods to add some funds for their end of term treat. Look out on Facebook for more details.
The Summer term is also the time for the Trust parent and carer survey. If you click on the link below you will be able to complete this. This survey closes on 8th July.
Thank you in advance.

Bridge Schools Trust Summer 2022 Parent and Carer Survey 


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Our Values...



We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

We are open for all of our pupils. Nursery, Reception, Y1, Y2, Y3 and Y4 will be taught at the Delaware base. Y5 and Y6 will be taught at the Gunnislake base.

© 2024 Bridge Schools trust is a company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Registration number 7736425. It is an exempt charity.